Our Policies

Our goal is to provide and maintain and educational, safe and healthy learning environment.

Aladdin Daycare Centers Policies

Our policies apply to our 5 locations, no exceptions.

1. Family Participation

During the year we will have three special events, this year we have Mexican Fiesta, Snapology and Picture Day, that will include games for both the parents and children. These events will be announced ahead of time (parent board), we look forward for all parents to join us for these special events

2. Drop Off/Pick Up Procedures

When dropping off children’s parents must walk to their child’s classroom and sign them in. Parents must also pick up their children from their classroom and sign them out. Children will only be released to the authorized individuals listed on their enrollment forms. All individuals listed must show proper identification at the front office. Legal parents of guardians will be the only ones whom can make changes on the enrollment form at any time. Please notify the office is someone not listed will be picking up your child and that they have proper ID. Anyone not listed will not be allowed to pick up the children. Individuals under the age of 16 will not be allowed to pick up the children. We have an open-door policy that you may utilize in order to better serve you and your child. Parents are welcomed to come by center at any time to see their child in class. If the child or parent is experiencing separation anxiety or issues, they may visit their children for a maximum of 5 minutes. Parents are allowed to look through the classroom windows for a long as they please, as long as it does not become a distraction for the children.

3. Parent Conferences

Parent conferences are held twice annually. The dates for these conferences will be posted on the parent bulletin board. These conferences are to discuss any issues or concerns along with the development made in our center. We hope all parents and caregivers can make it into our center for the conferences however, if unable to attend, you are welcome to schedule a one-on-one conference in the office at any time.

4. Late Payments and Refund Policy

Weekly and monthly fees must be paid at the beginning of each week/month in other to avoid late charges. A $15.ºº late fee will be assessed for everyday payment is late. Daycare services will be interrupted for non-payment until the balance is paid off. Full payments will be required for all absences and holidays. Notify the office if your child will be absent due to vacation or illness.

5. Absences

Parents must call in when your child will be absent. We will notify CCS when there is a 5 day no contact. If you’re child is absent for 5 consecutive days without notification, your child will be withdrawn from the center, and file will be shredded.

6. Health and Nutrition

We encourage oral health please bring a toothbrush and toothpaste for your child. Community resources are available for parents.

7. Clothing and Personal Belongings

Children are not allowed to bring personal belongings such as toys, cell phones, tablets or makeup from home. The center is not and will not be responsible for any items brought from home including jewelry. Please dress children according to the weather. Each child will need one complete set of clothes at the center. Please mark all personal items for easy identification, such as coats, sweater, etc. We will not replace lost items. Infant Toddlers: Parents must provide the following: Diapers or Pull-ups, wipes, ointment, bottles, and formula. We will notify parents when their child is running low on supplies. If a parent fails to supply theseitems; the center will charge $1.00 for each diaper and baby wipes used.

8. Inclement Weather Policy

We follow the SISD implement weather schedules. We will call parents to notify them of any closures and ask them to pick up their children.

9. Separation Procedures

When a parent chooses to terminate child-care services for any reason. The parent will be required to submit in writing and provide at least a one-week notice. The full tuition amount for the following 1 week will be due at the time of the written notice. The provider will calculate the balance for the parent/guardian. WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO SUSPEND SERVICES FOR ANY REASON AT ANY GIVEN TIME WITHOUT PRIOR NOTIFICATION.

10. Physical Activity

The State of Texas requires that all children have daily monitored morning and outside play, when the weather permits. Infants must also be taken outside either in the morning or afternoon. If your child is not allowed to participate in outside activities a doctor’s note will be required in order to be in compliance with the state.

11. Screen Time Policy

Children are allowed to watch television in accordance with minimum standards. Television will not be permitted for children under the age of two. Movie days are allowed and are reflected in lesson plans and parent board. If there is any objection to the video being shown by a parent, it should be addressed with the director prior to the date of showing. We prohibit any use of electronics. Only school tablets are permitted during homework time. OUR POLICIES ARE REVIEWED ANNUALLY AND UPDATED IF NECESSARY.

12. Parent Update Policy

It’s the parent’s responsibility to inform the office of any changes such as updating phone numbers, addresses, emergency contacts. Etc. Located at the entrance of every location is a suggestion box that we highly encourage parents to use. For your convenience a form is available so that you can update information If no staff is available to assist you.

13. Nutrition Standards Used for Menu Planning

Food from home is not allowed unless the child is on a special diet and has a doctor’s note. This is as per the CDNP as no food brought form home is allowed. If special diets are required for your child, we will gladly accommodate them. A written request must be submitted. A COPY OF THE WEEKLY MENU IS POSTED IN THE FRONT AREA.

14. Meals

BREAKFAST: 6:45am-8:15am

AM SNACK: 9:00am-9:30am

LUNCH: 11:30am-1:30pm

PM SNACK: 2:30pm-3:30pm

DINNER: 5:00pm-6:00pm

This center participates in the CACFP Food and Nutrition Program. We will provide meal at no additional cost to you. You must fill out the CAFCP application and renew it yearly. Our Schedule is important: NO meals can be served before or after schedule times. If your child requires a special diet, we will provide it only with a professional statement. A child that is allergic or sensitive to a particular food must bring a physician’s note. The note must state which foods are to be avoided, and what to do in case the child comes in contact with that particular food.

15. Important things to know about our meals

  1. Liquids and food hotter than 110 degrees F are kept out of reach.
  2. Staff is educated on food allergies and they take precautions to ensure children are protected.
  3. Meals brought into the program to be shared among children is commercially prepared OR prepared in a kitchen that is inspected bylocal health official.
  4. Healthy snacks (as listed by the Texas Department of Agriculture) are available for school aged children as students arrive.
  5. Staff is not to reward good behavior or clean plates with foods of any kind.
  6. Providers must serve meal with milk, fresh fruit, and vegetables and have available for children who bring lunches from home

16. Process for Addressing Challenging Behaviors

Step 1: The teacher and student shall try to handle the problem with discussion, time out, other appropriate action. Documentation recorded in child’s file.

Step 2: If step one has not been effective, the teacher, with or without the child will consult the director. Documentation recorded in child’s file.

Step 3: If the problem persists, a conference will involve the parents, teacher and director. Documentation recorded in child’s and an assessment will be made.

Step 4: If all the above have not proven effective, and/or parents do not cooperate with discipline at home, we have the right to refuse and terminate services. Documentation recorded in child’s file.

Literature and other support resources regarding methods of improving behavior will be provided to the family, if available. When the provider determinates that it is in the best interest for the child to be terminated for child care services. The provider will provide the parents with a written notice. This notice can be an immediate termination of services or can be a termination notice for one day to 2 weeks. This notice will be Determined from the motive of each situation. These are some examples of such situations. Child’s Actions:

    1. Child unable to adjust to the program after a reasonable amount of time.
    2. Ongoing physical or verbal abuse to staff of other children.
    3. Ongoing uncontrollable tantrums/angry outburst putting other children at risk.
    4. Excessive biting, scratching, hitting and throwing chairs around rooms or items.
    5. Refusal of helping with potty training when child is older than 3 years
      (These are some examples might be other different situations each case is different.)
    6. Parental Actions: and or immediate causes for disenrollment.
    7. A parent/guardian fails to abide by center policies or requirements imposed by the appropriate licensing agency.
    8. Non-Payment of tuition.
    9. A parent/guardian demands special services that are not provided to other children and cannot reasonably be delivered by the program. This includes request that depart from the philosophy of Aladdin Daycare Center and Preschool.
    10. A parent/guardian is physically or verbally abusive or intimidating to center staff, children or anyone else at the center.
    11. Potentially dangerous behavior by a parent or child.

17. Holidays

It is mandatory that we close nine of the major holidays per year. Parents will be notified of exact dates with two weeks in advance. Current Operational Policies and Procedures are located at the front desk. Also, we provide a suggestion box located in front desk, if there any change or suggestion you need to report.

18. Arrival Sign in Departure Sing out Procedures of release of children

Parents are required to sign their children in and out attendance upon arrival and departure in the daily sign in/out binder located in the front entrance. No child will be released from the playground area. Our responsibility begins when you place your child in the care of a staff member and ends when you take him/her from the care of a staff member. Please do not allow your child to wander off unattended or leave the building ahead of you. All children must be picked up on time. Anyone picking up your child, must have ID and be on the pick-up list for safety purposes. If person is not you. All children must be picked up on time. Anyone picking up your child, must have ID and be on the pick-up list for safety purposes. If person is not on the list, we will not release the child unless you call us. If we suspect that the person picking up your child is under the influence of alcohol of drugs, we will not under any circumstance release the child even if you call or if it is a parent picking up your child. Corresponding authorities will be notified.

19. Illness & Lice

In the event your child becomes ill, we will attempt to contact the child’s parents. If we cannot contact the parent s, we will contact the person(s) designated as the emergency contact on the child’s admission from and ask them to pick up the child. Ill children are excluded to be picked up within 30 minutes from the time of notification. We are not licensed to provide get-well-care; therefore, ill children must be excluded from our care. The following are causes for exclusion; FEVER, DIARRHEA, VOMITING, GREEN NASAL DISHARGE, DIFFICULTY BREATHING, CONVULSIONS, PAIN OR DISCOMFORT, SWELLING, REDNESS, OR THROBBING IN AN INJURED PART, RASH OR BLISTERS, INFECTOUS EYE OR SKIN CONDITIONS AND LICE.

20. Medications

We will administer medication only if it is prescribed to the child. You will need to sign a consent from authorizing the daycare staff to administer the medication and the time and dosage. If the form is not signed, we will not give the child the medication for that day.

21. Medical Emergencies

Our staff makes every effort to ensure the safety of your child while in our care. Unfortunately, accidents may occur. Staff are trained in CPR and basic first aid procedures. We have implemented the following procedures, should your child experience and injury while at our center. Minor accidents such as scrapes, bites, bumps, etc. will be treated with first aid by our staff and we will notify the parent. In the event of a medical emergency EMS sill be contacted first your child will be transported to the nearest hospital if necessary and parent will be notified. Any expenses occurred from this visit will be your responsibility.

22. Parent Notifications/Assessment plan

Parents will be notified of any changes, incidents, or any concerns we might have in writing, verbally in person or over the phone depending in the urgency of each case. Family events will be posted on parent bulletin board along with information regarding child abuse and neglect. We provide parents with an assessment form twice per year so we can evaluate the children progress. The assessment is formal and it is from CLI Engage.

23. Discipline and Guidance

We will NOT use corporal punishment in this center. When there is a need to discipline a child, we will use time-outs which consist of not letting the child participate in any activity for 1 minute for every year of the child’s age. If behavior problems continue, privileges like field trips will be taken away and parent will be notified.

24. Suspension and Expulsion

Strategies to address challenging behavior will be discussed with the parents as needed and framed around school readiness. Parents will be kept informed of the child’s progress or lack thereof. We reserve the right to refuse or discontinue service if a child exhibits a pattern of defiance towards authority, uses excessive harsh language, bites or poses a threat against self, staff of other children in care. Violent, Disruptive, and Aggressive behavior may result in suspension or expulsion from the center. IF A PARENT IS RUDE OR DISRESPECTFUL TO ANY OF OUR STAFF, WE WILL TERMINATE SERVICES.

25. Infant Safe Sleep

Parents enrolling infants 12 months or younger will receive/review/sign safe sleep policy. The policy is based on recommendations from the American Academy of Pediatrics and Consumer Product Safety Commission for infants to reduce the risk of sudden infant death syndrome. A copy of the safe sleep policy can be found at www.healthychildren.org/English/ages-stages/baby/sleep/Pages/A-Parents-Guide-to-Safe.aspx

26. Immunization Requirements

Immunizations are required for all children ages 0 months to 5 years if they are not attending school. You must bring us a copy of the immunizations before your child can attend the center. We must have a written plan of action signed by your child’s physician if the immunizations are not meeting the Texas Minimum State Vaccine Requirements for Child Care Facilities. Exemptions for immunization requirements must meet criteria specified by the Texas Department of State Health Services rules. You must contact the local health department to find out what you must provide to us in lieu of the immunization record. All children 5 years and younger must have Health Statement signed by their physician and submitted within the following 12 months of enrollment.

27. Vision and Hearing Test

Any child that turns 4 by September 1 st . and is not attending school must bring test documentation to daycare.

28. Enrollment Procedures

All children must be enrolled prior to attending daycare. All parents must fill out an enrollment packet for each child and provide shot record and physical for each child not attending school. Whenever there is a change to the centers policies a letter will be sent home with the new policy and it must be signed by the parents. Parents are responsible for updating any information on the children enrollment forms.

29. Transportation

If your child is under CCS program there will be no additional charge if approved by CCS. All children are to be seated in appropriate seat belts of car seats depending on the age and weight. You are responsible for providing the center with the appropriate car seat for your child. As per state law any child younger than 8 years and shorter than 4 feet 9 inches is required to be seated in a booster or car seat. If you’re child is going to be absent you must notify the center. Consequences for not notifying are:

    1. 1 st Verbal Warning
    2. 2 nd Your child will be suspended from transportation for 2 days
    3. 3 rd Your child will be suspended from transportation for a week.

30. Water Activities

There will not be any water activities at the center.

31. Field Trips

You will be notified at least 48 hours before. It will be posted at the parent’s bulletin board. Permission slips will also be sent home for you to sign. If the permission slip is not returned signed, your child not be able to attend the field trip.

32. Pets

No pets allowed at the center.

33. Insect Repellant/Diaper Ointment and Sunscreen

The center does not provide Diaper Ointment, Sunscreen or Insect Repellant. The parent must provide diaper Ointment, Sunscreen and Insect Repellant, labeled with the child’s name a written consent will be required if you would like for us to apply any Sunscreen, Insect Repellant and or Diaper Rash Cream. We will apply as directed.

34. Parents Visitation/Conferences/Activities

Parents may visit without prior approval to observe their child. All parents are welcome at any time for periods no longer than 30 minutes. If you would like to come in and stay longer for activities and flied trips you will be required a background check. All concerns you might have been always important please feel free to make an appointment at your convenience during operating hours to discuss any concerns you might have. *Under the Texas Penal any area within 1000 feet of child-care center is a gang free zone, where criminal offenses related to organized criminal activity are subject to harsher penalty. A copy of this Code is posted and is available upon request. A copy of minimum standards and the most recent Licensing inspection report is available upon request.

35. Child Abuse Report

TDPRS requires daycare providers to report any negligence or suspicion of child abuse according to the Texas Family Law, tittle 5, Chap. 261, Sub. Cap. B. Minimum Standards Handbook and licensing reports are available for parents to view at any time. Failure to report suspected child abuse or neglect is a crime. Employees are prohibited from retaliating against caregivers who reports in good faith.

Licensing Inspection Division.
Phone DFPS 915-834-5739
Child Abuse Hotline 1-800-252-5400
website www.dfps.state.tx.us.
401. Franklin suite 350 El Paso TX 79901.

36. Emergency Preparedness Plan

In the event of an emergency, operating procedures are in place to ensure the safety of the children. A copy of the emergency preparedness plan is attached in the enrollment packet. There is a fire extinguisher next to the restrooms in the back area. All employees are trained on how to use it in case of an emergency.

37. Evacuation plan

In some circumstances, parents will be called upon to pick up their children. In the event of an emergency, all employees are responsible for moving children to a designated safe area or alternate shelter. Employees are required to guide children who can walk, carry children younger than 24 months of age and who have limited mobility, or who otherwise may need assistance in an emergency; such as children who have mental, visual, or hearing impairments. When necessary local authorities will be called, and the following resources may be requested for transportation. Transportation may include voluntary use of personal vehicles, city/city-owned vehicles, school buses, leased or rented buses and state owned or contracted vehicles. If additional transportation resources are needed, other local or state government transportation will be called upon for assistance. The shelter locations are listed in the emergency preparedness plan provided. Upon departure and arrival, the director or alternate assistant will have a list of all children that must be accounted for. Together, the director and assistant director and caregivers will verify that all children are present. The Director or alternate assistant is responsible for calling the local authorities needed such as: Fire Department, Ambulance, local Police or Sheriff, Poison Control, Health Department, parents and DFPS childcare licensing. The Director or alternate assistant is responsible for securing children’s emergency numbers, emergency medical authorizations and attendance sheets during an emergency.

38. Breast feeding

Breastfeeding is always welcome at our center. If you decide to come and breast feed your child, we will accommodate your needs. Or if you would like to bring the breast milk for staff to feed your child we will gladly do so.

39. Accommodating family and children

We accommodate parents and children by communicating in English and Spanish. We accommodate parents by adjusting our lesson plans to the child needs. We understand every child is different and requires different attention. We work hand in hand with parents to make daycare the best experience possible. As per daycare policies we allow therapists at facility by APPOINTMENT ONLY.

40. Gang-Free Zone

Under the Texas Penal Code, any area within 1000 feet of a child-care center is a gang free zone, where criminal offenses related to organized criminal activity are subject to harsher penalty.

41. Absences

If your child is absent to daycare, you are responsible to notify the center. If your child does not attend for more than one week and we have no contact with you, he will be dropped. You will need to fill out all the paperwork again. We will notify ccs after a 5 day no contact.

42. Pest Control

Pesticides are periodically applied indoors. Information on times of applications is available upon request. Parents will be notified of any changes in writing. No applications done during business hrs. or while children are in care.

43. Non-Hiring of Center Staff

In order to maintain Centers confidentially and professionalism, persons employed as staff at or by the center are prohibited form contracting, soliciting or engaging in temporary employment as a caregiver or babysitter for any parent/guardian who has child enrolled at the center.